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FAQ Electronic invoice B2B

How can the 7-digit Recipient Code be obtained for electronic invoices destined to private parties, as required by law starting from January the first 2017?

The 7-character Recipient Code, which can only be used for electronic invoices for private parties, can be found through a new service available from January 9th, 2017 on the website www.fatturapa.gov.it,  Tools - Manage the channel page. The code may be requested only by those subjects holding a transmission channel already accredited at the Interchange System to receive electronic invoices. It is possible to request more than one code up to a maximum of 100. For those subjects wishing to receive electronic invoices through the PEC channel, the use of the '0000000' standard recipient code is required, provided that the PEC box of receipt on invoice is indicated in PecDestinator field. It is worth mentioning that for electronic invoices destined for public administrations, the use of the univocal 6-character office code is still expected, provided that it is registered on the index of the Public Administrations (www.indicepa.gov.it)