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All rights to the content (for example texts, images and the website's architecture) are reserved pursuant to applicable legislation.

The content of the website's pages may not be totally or partially copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without the prior written consent of the Interchange System, without prejudice to the possibility of storing them on a computer or printing extracts of this website's pages solely for personal use.

Any form of link to this site, if inserted by third parties, must not cause damage to the image and activities of the Interchange System.

Deep linking is prohibited, that is, the non-transparent use of parts of the website on third-party sites.

Also prohibited is direct linking to the website's pages in relation to services provided online by the Interchange System, if this involves the acquisition of personal data, without going to the service's introductory page containing the Privacy Code.

Any breach of these provisions, unless explicitly authorised in writing, will be prosecuted through the competent civil and criminal courts of law.