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The website was designed and built by paying particular attention to the aspects of web accessibility, in compliance with the recommendations of the W3C (World Wide Web Consaortium), of Law No. 4/2004 (Stanca Act) and of Presidential Decree 75/2005 (Implementing Regulation).

Accessibility rules envisage that the information and services offered on web pages can also be used with IT tools by disabled persons, independently of the operating system, navigation tools and browser settings.

Principal measures adopted:

  • Alternative equivalent text was provided for each non-text element present in a page
  • All information elements are also available in the absence of the particular colour used
  • No frames were used
  • Flashing or moving objects or text were avoided
  • Distinguishability between information content and background was ensured by using sufficient contrast
  • Style sheets were used to control the presentation of content
  • Each link's destination was provided with significant texts
  • Movement commands can also be selected from the keyboard.