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The new website FatturaPA is now online

The FatturaPA site is dressed in new graphics in order to facilitate the user in accessing services and finding information and to help participants in the billing processThe FatturaPA site is dressed in new graphics in order to facilitate the user in accessing services and finding information and to help participants in the invoicing process

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The FatturaPA

The 2008 Budget Law states that invoicing to public administrations must be done exclusively via electronic instruments.

La Finanziaria 2008 ha stabilito che la fatturazione nei confronti delle amministrazioni dello stato debba avvenire esclusivamente in forma elettronica.
La Finanziaria 2008 ha stabilito che la fatturazione nei confronti delle amministrazioni dello stato debba avvenire esclusivamente in forma elettronica.

The Exchange System

The 2008 Budget Law states that electronic invoices for state administrations must be transmitted through the Exchange System (ES).