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Communicate the outcome for the FatturaPA

After receiving the FatturaPA file through the Exchange System through the channels described in Receive the FatturaPA section, the Public Administration can communicate "acceptance" or "refusal" of the invoices contained in the files received using necessarily the same channel used to receive them.

The result is contained in a client outcome notice, the format of which is described in the file MessaggiTypes_v1.1.xsd which can be downloaded in the Exchange System documentation section.

After preparing the client outcome notice file, it must be "named" in the following way so that it can be accepted by the Exchange System:


   Name of the file received with no extension   _ EC  _  Unique progressive code . xml



  • the Name of the file received with no extension must comply with the rules defined in the Prepare the FatturaPA file section. If the filename is not compliant and its length is more than 36 characters the name will be truncated and the characters after the 36th will not be present in the rejection notice,
  • EC (fixed value) indicates the type of message (Client Outcome),
  • the Unique progressive code must be an alphanumeric string with a maximum length of 3 characters and with permitted values from "A" to "Z" and from "0" to "9" which uniquely identifies each notice/receipt relating to the file sent.

The separator for elements making up the file name is the underscore ("_"), ASCII code 95. The extension is always "xml".

The client outcome notice may optionally be signed by using an XAdES-Bes signature (XML Advanced Electronic Signatures), with a structure compliant with the public specifications ETSI TS 101 903 version 1.4.1, as provided for in the legislation on the subject starting from 1 September 2010. The only method accepted for this type of signature is the "enveloped" method. In addition, the XAdES signature must have the Reference element with URI="" or with URI="#iddoc" where iddoc is the identity code of the document to be signed: the URI attribute cannot be omitted from the Reference elements.

If the FatturaPA file was received using the CEM channel, the client outcome notice has to be sent via CEM to the address communicated by the Exchange System in the body of the mail with which the file arrived.

If, on the other hand, the FatturaPA file was received using the FTP channel or the Domain Gateway channel, the client outcome notice must be sent following the instructions relating to those transmission channels.

The client outcome notice may be unacceptable to the Exchange System. This may happen if:

  • the notice is formally inexact, that is it does not comply with the format provided for in the file MessaggiTypes_v1.1.xsd,
  • the notice refers to an IdSdI (unique identification code attributed by the Exchange System to each incoming file) which is non-existent or for which there is already a previous outcome.

In these cases the Exchange System sends the Public Administration a client outcome rejection notice the format of which is described in the said file MessaggiTypes_v1.1.xsd always using the same transmission channel.

In the case of a FatturaPA file containing invoice lots, the Public Administration has the option of communicating the outcome for the entire lot or for one of the invoices contained within it populating the fields of the RiferimentoFattura block in the client outcome notice.

After a correct client outcome notice has been sent, the Exchange System sends an outcome notice to the Economic Operator (or to its Intermediary) which certifies acceptance or refusal of the invoice sent.

If the Public Administration does not communicate the outcome within 15 days from the reception date of the FatturaPA file, the Exchange System sends a deadline passed notice to the said Administration and to the transmitter (Economic Operator or its Intermediary) with which it communicates that the Public Administration has not sent an outcome notice by the deadline set.

For more information

  • We recommend consulting the Files, invoices and messages section for a detailed description of the message files produced by the ES
  • For more details on client outcome notice transmission channels and on the interfaces to present to receive them, see the instructions for the SPCoop - Addressee Service (Domain Gateway channel) or of the SDIFTP Service (FTP channel) in the Exchange System documentation section